#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2015 GiMaRIS <info@gimaris.com>
# This file is part of BioDen - A data normalizer and transponer for
# files containing taxon biomass/density data for ecotopes.
# BioDen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioDen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import csv
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
import xlwt
[docs]class Generator:
"""Super class for Generator classes."""
def __init__(self, processor):
self.processor = processor
self._dbfile = processor._dbfile
self._property = processor._property
self._representative_groups = processor._representative_groups
self._do_round = processor._do_round
self._output_folder = processor._output_folder
self._file_extension = ".txt"
self.taxa = processor.taxa
self.ecotopes = processor.ecotopes
[docs] def ecotope_data_grouped(self, ecotope, data_type='raw'):
"""Return an iterator object which generates the CSV data of
grouped data for ecotope `ecotope`.
if data_type == 'raw':
target_table = 'sums_of'
elif data_type == 'normalized':
target_table = 'normalized_sums_of'
raise ValueError("Value for 'data' can be either 'raw' or 'normalized', not '%s'." % data_type)
# Connect to the database.
connection = sqlite.connect(self._dbfile)
cursor = connection.cursor()
yield ['Property:', self._property]
# Return the first row containing the ecotope name.
yield ['Ecotope:', ecotope]
# Get the number of groups for this ecotope.
cursor.execute("SELECT group_id \
FROM %s \
WHERE compiled_ecotope = ?" % target_table,
group_ids = []
for id in cursor:
if id[0] not in group_ids:
# Return third row containing the group numbers.
row = ['Sample group:']
yield row
# Return fourth row containing the group surfaces.
row = ['Group surface:']
for group_id in group_ids:
cursor.execute("SELECT group_surface \
FROM %s \
WHERE compiled_ecotope = ? \
AND group_id = ?" % target_table,
yield row
# Return an empty row.
yield [None]
# Return the data rows.
for taxon in self.taxa:
row = [taxon]
cursor.execute("SELECT group_id, sum_of \
FROM %s \
WHERE compiled_ecotope = ? \
AND standardised_taxon = ?" % (target_table),
sums_of = dict(cursor)
for group_id in group_ids:
if group_id in sums_of:
sum_of = sums_of[group_id]
if isinstance(self._do_round, int):
sum_of = round(sum_of, self._do_round)
yield row
# Close connection with the local database.
[docs] def ecotope_data_raw(self, ecotope):
"""Return an iterator object which generates the CSV data of
non-grouped data for ecotope `ecotope`.
if self._property == 'biomass':
select_field = 'sum_of_biomass'
select_field = 'sum_of_density'
connection = sqlite.connect(self._dbfile)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Return the first row containing the property.
yield ['Property:', self._property]
# Return the second row containing the ecotope name.
yield ['Ecotope:', ecotope]
# Get the record IDs for this ecotope.
cursor.execute("SELECT sample_code \
FROM data \
WHERE compiled_ecotope = ?",
sample_codes = []
for id in cursor:
if id[0] not in sample_codes:
# Return third row containing the sample codes.
row = ['Sample code:']
yield row
# Return fourth row containing the sample surfaces.
row = ['Sample surface:']
for sample_code in sample_codes:
cursor.execute("SELECT sample_surface \
FROM samples \
WHERE sample_code = ?",
sample_surface = cursor.fetchone()[0]
yield row
# Return an empty row.
yield [None]
# Return the data rows.
for taxon in self.taxa:
row = [taxon]
cursor.execute("SELECT sample_code, %s \
FROM data \
WHERE compiled_ecotope = ? \
AND standardised_taxon = ?" % select_field,
sums_of = dict(cursor)
for sample_code in sample_codes:
if sample_code in sums_of:
sum_of = sums_of[sample_code]
if isinstance(self._do_round, int):
sum_of = round(sum_of, self._do_round)
yield row
# Close connection with the local database.
[docs] def representatives(self):
"""Return an iterator object which generates the CSV data with
only the representative group for each ecotope.
connection = sqlite.connect(self._dbfile)
cursor = connection.cursor()
yield ['Property:', self._property]
# Return the first row containing the ecotopes.
row = ['Ecotope:']
for ecotope in self.ecotopes:
yield row
# Return fourth row containing the group surfaces.
row = ['Group surface:']
for ecotope in self.ecotopes:
# Append and empty field if the ecotope has no group.
if ecotope not in self._representative_groups:
# Get the most representative group for this ecotope.
group_id = self._representative_groups[ecotope]
# Get the group surfaces for this group.
cursor.execute("SELECT group_surface \
FROM normalized_sums_of \
WHERE compiled_ecotope = ? \
AND group_id = ?",
yield row
# Return an empty row.
yield [None]
# Return the data rows.
for taxon in self.taxa:
row = [taxon]
for ecotope in self.ecotopes:
# Append and empty field if the ecotope has no group.
if ecotope not in self._representative_groups:
# Get the most representative group for this ecotope.
group_id = self._representative_groups[ecotope]
# Get the sum_of
cursor.execute("SELECT sum_of \
FROM normalized_sums_of \
WHERE group_id = ? \
AND compiled_ecotope = ? \
AND standardised_taxon = ?",
density = cursor.fetchone()
if not density:
density = density[0]
if isinstance(self._do_round, int):
density = round(density, self._do_round)
yield row
# Close connection with the local database.
[docs] def export_ecotopes_grouped(self, data_type='raw'):
"""Return an iterator object which generates CSV data for all ecotopes.
For each ecotope, the grouped data is returned. If `data_type` is set
to "raw", the non-normalized group values are returned. If `data_type`
is set to "normalized", the normalized group values are returned.
for ecotope in self.ecotopes:
# Update progress dialog.
# Create a CSV generator.
data = self.ecotope_data_grouped(ecotope, data_type)
# Construct a filename.
if data_type == 'raw':
prefix = 'grouped'
elif data_type == 'normalized':
prefix = 'ambi'
raise ValueError("Value for 'data' can be either 'raw' or 'normalized', not '%s'." % data_type)
suffix = ecotope.replace(" ", "_")
filename = "%s_%s_%s%s" % (prefix, self._property, suffix, self._file_extension)
output_file = os.path.join(self._output_folder, filename)
# Export data.
self.processor.pdialog_handler.add_details("Saving %s sample groups of ecotope '%s' to %s" % (data_type, ecotope, output_file))
self.export(output_file, data)
[docs] def export_ecotopes_raw(self):
"""Return an iterator object which generates CSV data for all ecotopes.
For each ecotope, the non-grouped data is returned.
for ecotope in self.ecotopes:
# Update progress dialog.
# Create a CSV generator.
data = self.ecotope_data_raw(ecotope)
# Construct a filename.
suffix = ecotope.replace(" ", "_")
filename = "raw_%s_%s%s" % (self._property, suffix, self._file_extension)
output_file = os.path.join(self._output_folder, filename)
# Export data.
self.processor.pdialog_handler.add_details("Saving raw data of ecotope '%s' to %s" % (ecotope, output_file))
self.export(output_file, data)
[docs] def export_representatives(self):
"""Return an iterator object which generates CSV data for all ecotopes.
For each ecotope, only the representative group is returned.
# Create a CSV generator.
data = self.representatives()
filename = "representatives_%s%s" % (self._property, self._file_extension)
output_file = os.path.join(self._output_folder, filename)
# Export data.
self.processor.pdialog_handler.add_details("Saving representative sample groups to %s" % (output_file))
self.export(output_file, data)
[docs]class CSVExporter(Generator):
"""Export data in CSV format."""
def __init__(self, processor):
Generator.__init__(self, processor)
self._file_extension = ".csv"
[docs] def export(self, output_file, data):
"""Write CSV data `data` to file `output_file`. For better performance,
'data' should be an iterator object.
writer = csv.writer(open(output_file, 'wb'),
[docs]class XLSExporter(Generator):
"""Export data in XLS format."""
def __init__(self, processor):
Generator.__init__(self, processor)
self._file_extension = ".xls"
[docs] def export(self, output_file, data):
"""Write CSV data `data` to file `output_file`. For better performance,
'data' should be an iterator object.
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
ws = wb.add_sheet('data')
result = self.write_rows(ws, data)
#if not result:
# print "Reached maximum of 256 columns for %s." % output_file
def write_rows(self, work_sheet, data):
out = True
for r, row in enumerate(data):
for c, value in enumerate(row):
if c >= 256:
# Break the current row, because Excel doesn't support 256+ columns.
out = False
work_sheet.write(r, c, value)
return out